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방귀대장 뿡뿡이 영어로

"방귀대장 뿡뿡이" 예문

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  • Bboongbboong-E
  • 귀대    귀대 [歸隊] ~ 명령을 받다 be called in / (병사가) be ordered back into the ranks / (장교가) be ordered back to one's command. ~하다 return to one's unit[company / regiment]; (장교가) rejoin one's command.
  • 방귀    방귀 wind; a fart. ~를 뀌다 fart / break wind / pass gas. ~뀐 놈이 성낸다 get angry at others for one's own mistakes. ~가 잦으면 똥싸기 쉽다 Coming events cast their shadows before. / Repeated small irregularities l
  • 대장    대장 [大將]1 (육군) a general; (해군) an admiral(▶ 소장·중장에 대하여는 a full general[admiral]이라고 할 때도 있음); (공군) a general; an air chief marshal; a four-star general.2 [우두머리] a chief; a head; a boss; a master; a
  • 방귀만    Bang Gui-man
  • 줄방귀    줄방귀 a succession of flatuses; successive farts.
  • 질방귀    Vaginal flatulence
  • 코방귀    코방귀 a pooh-pooh; a snort; pooh-poohing; snorting . ~만 뀌다 snort[sniff] at / turn up one's nose at / treat with contempt[disdain].
  • 헛방귀    헛방귀 a gentle fart.
  • 재귀대명사    reflexive pronoun
  • 방귀뀌다    fart; break wind; let rip; pass gas; flatulate
  • 코방귀 뀌는    domineering; orgulous; sneery; cavalier; stout; disdainful; sniffy; haughty; haught; high-hat; supercilious
  • 코방귀 뀌다    snort at; sniff at
  • 코방귀 뀜    sniff
  • 대장균 대장균    Escherichia coli
  • 대장암 대장암    Colorectal cancer
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